
MSI Bring Firmware Update Support to the MAG-series 27″ and 32″ QD-OLED Monitors

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MSI have a wide range of OLED monitors available now (our full round-up and guide is available here) and one of the key things to keep in mind is that in some sizes, there are models in both their MPG (Premium) and MAG (Mainstream) ranges. Of particular note is their new 27” and 32” OLED monitors, which are available in both MPG and MAG varieties. Some of the features vary a little between the two ranges, and the MAG series are a little lower cost as a result, but also tend to have a lot better stock availability.

Firmware updates are coming to the MAG models now!

One thing which has received a lot of negative attention is the fact that the MAG models were launched without the ability for users to update the firmware on the screen, should the screens need bug fixes or receive improvements. The MPG models included this support and have actually received some pretty significant updates and enhancements already, which we tested recently.

Check out our testing and full details of the updates avaialble on the MPG models above

We spoke to MSI a few months back about this concern and asked them to consider opening up support for the MAG models based on all the consumer feedback we’d seen and received. They’ve been working on this for a while now and we’re pleased to announce that in response to our feedback and the mass of consumer demand, they are going to make firmware updates available to the 27” MAG 271QPX and 32” MAG 321UPX monitors soon. They’ve listened and responded which is great to see.

Making sure your MAG series screen is ready to support firmware updates

This is slightly complicated, but we will explain as best we can. For a relevant screen to be able to support future firmware updates they actually need to already be on a specific firmware where this updating capability was included.

For the 27” MAG 271QPX the screen needs to be on the current firmware FW.012 already, and for the 32” MAG 321UPX it needs to on FW.015 already. You can check which version of firmware is currently installed on your display by checking the bottom right-hand corner of the OSD menu as shown below.

For European markets the good news is that ALL stock should already be on these current firmware versions and so are ready to go when MSI release firmware updates in the future (more on that below). They were already produced and shipped with the current firmware.

In North America, South America, Asian and Indo-Pacific regions it’s a little more complicated as some early stock will have been shipped with an older firmware version before this upgrade support was added. For the 27” model if you’re on FW.011 or earlier, or for the 32” if you’re on FW.014 or earlier, you will need to contact MSI support as it won’t be possible for you to do any firmware updates yourself. They will help arrange a return of the screen to a service centre where it will be updated to the relevant current firmware where upgrades are then supported for the future. Some newer stock should already be on the current firmwares though, but there’s no easy way to know this before you purchase without checking the OSD menu.

You will only need to do this return to MSI once, as you’ll then be moved on to the current firmware which will then allow you to do user-updates in the future. Also note that moving to the current firmware includes a few language fixes in the OSD menu, and improvement to the HDMI-CEC feature behaviour.

27” MAG 271QPX

 RegionFW.011 or earlierFW.012 or newer
European stockNot applicableUpdates supported
North America, South America, Asian and Indo-Pacific region stockContact MSI to arrange update to current FWUpdates supported

32” MAG 321UPX

 RegionFW.014 or earlierFW.015 or newer
European stockNot applicableUpdates supported
North America, South America, Asian and Indo-Pacific region stockContact MSI to arrange update to current FWUpdates supported

New firmware updates are due soon

MSI tell us that the first actual firmware updates, beyond just getting everyone on to the relevant FW version that’s ready to support them, should be available around mid-July. Expect to see some improvements and bug fixes when those are released, you just need to make sure for now that your screen is going to be ready to accommodate them as explained above.

At the moment, we don’t have details of what will be included in the newer firmware in July, as for now the news is really just announcing the support for this process and explaining how to check your screen is going to be ready to support these when they arrive. We expect some updates that were included in our recent testing from the MPG models though.

Where to get future firmware updates for these MAG models

If your screen is ready to go, then you’ll be able to download firmware update files and the tool you need from MSI’s support pages here:

Firmware update process

These MAG screens don’t have the USB A>B connection, or support the Gaming Intelligence software that the MPG models include, so a new way of delivering updates needed to be introduced. For these two MAG models, this will be achieved using the DisplayPort connection and a small software utility to carry out the firmware flashing.

MSI say you need to have a DisplayPort > DisplayPort connection from PC to monitor and not to use any adapters (like HDMI > DP or anything). Some further guidance on the process will be provided along with the new firmware files when they’re launched but there’s a small utility tool that allows you to load up the new firmware and flash the screen when needed. Firmware updates are expected to take around 10 minutes they say.

MPG vs MAG remaining differences

This addition of firmware update support for these two MAG models means that there are now only a couple of remaining differences between these and then MPG models. Those differences are:

  • The MPG models have a higher power delivery from their USB type-C ports of 90W, whereas the MAG models offers only 15W. Whether or not you need this and intend to use the connection will of course vary by user.
  • The MPG models have 2x USB data ports whereas the MAG models don’t have any
  • The MPG models support the MSI ‘Gaming Intelligence’ app whereas the MAG models do not. This can be used to control your settings and other aspects of the screen configuration.
  • The MPG models have some simple ‘Mystic Light’ RGB lighting on the back of the screen whereas the MAG models don’t.
  • They have different style rear enclosures with different patterns but these are minor differences in design.
USB-C pwoer delivery remains a difference between the MPG and MAG models

The MPG models are not impacted, and can all receive firmware updates already

We should note here that the MPG models are NOT impacted by any of the above and have always supported firmware updates from day 1, even the “early stock” in regions like North America. You can carry out firmware updates on all versions of the MPG models, without ever needing to send it back to MSI for support.

Our reviews

We’ve reviewed the 27″ MPG 271QRX and 32″ MPG 321URX models already and a lot of the performance should be basically the same between those and the MAG models.

Where to buy the MAG models

The MAG models are actually more readily available than the MPG versions, and with the addition of firmware update support, they are likely to become very popular. You can check availability and pricing for your region here for the 27” MAG 271QPX and here for the 32” MAG 321UPX.

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